Ancient Egypt. Same sands. A different time. Another world.
Across the desert sands far from the modern world are stories of long ago made of sand and stone. Geometric structures juxtapose hand carved hieroglyphs creating beauty through contrast. Amid the organized chaos of panoramic symbols emerge an undeniable few.
Egypsea is born from this “language of the gods”. Carefully preserved in wax to be cast in precious metals, these talismans are imbued with an ancient history that will last for generations to come.
Inspired by her travels through Egypt, Alex’s fascination with the ancient relics - natural elements reimagined and sculpted with human hands - are revealed through her honed technique of wax carving.
Egypsea doesn’t interpret the past, it gifts it. Where history books falter and mystery takes over, each piece from Egypsea presents an opportunity to sweep back the sands; to own a remnant of the past, carefully simplified, to remain true to an ancient art.